So after a bit too much procrastination I now have a firm deadline for my 2000 point Pretty Marine army. As I need it by January for an RTT, the army absolutely must be finished in total by Christmas. That way I have a week or two to make their display board and objective markers. And the names for the sergeants.
As it stands, my completed army consists of:
3 Deathwing Terminator Squads: 3x Storm Bolter and Powerfist, 1x Assault Cannon and Fist, Sergeant with Power Weapon and Storm Bolter.
1 Deathwing Terminator Squad: 3x Lightning Claws, 1x Lightning Claws and Cyclone, Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon
Still awaiting completion I have:
The Prince of the Glamourwing (Belial)
Terminator Librarian
Belial's "Command Squad" (Termi squad with 1x L.C., 1x Assault Cannon and L.C, Apothecary with L.C., Standard Bearer with L.C., and Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon)
One more Deathwing Termi squad with Assault Cannon, 3x Basic Termi's, and a Sergeant
And a Venerable Dreadnought with T.L. Lascannon and DCCW.
13 models in total, 6 of which (Including the Dread) are fully converted and ready to paint.
Gonna be a fun week and a half.