Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So after a bit too much procrastination I now have a firm deadline for my 2000 point Pretty Marine army. As I need it by January for an RTT, the army absolutely must be finished in total by Christmas. That way I have a week or two to make their display board and objective markers. And the names for the sergeants.

As it stands, my completed army consists of:

3 Deathwing Terminator Squads: 3x Storm Bolter and Powerfist, 1x Assault Cannon and Fist, Sergeant with Power Weapon and Storm Bolter.

1 Deathwing Terminator Squad: 3x Lightning Claws, 1x Lightning Claws and Cyclone, Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon

Still awaiting completion I have:

The Prince of the Glamourwing (Belial)

Terminator Librarian

Belial's "Command Squad" (Termi squad with 1x L.C., 1x Assault Cannon and L.C, Apothecary with L.C., Standard Bearer with L.C., and Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon)

One more Deathwing Termi squad with Assault Cannon, 3x Basic Termi's, and a Sergeant

And a Venerable Dreadnought with T.L. Lascannon and DCCW.

13 models in total, 6 of which (Including the Dread) are fully converted and ready to paint.

Gonna be a fun week and a half.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A small pretty marine update.

Despite a busy week between work and Thanksgiving, I've managed to make a bit of headway on my Glamourwing army.

The first squad of Lightning Claw terminators is finished, except for it's sergeant. I'll finish him off over the weekend when my 13 hour shifts leave me with little time to work on a full squad.


Here's a few pictures of the rest of the army as of today.





Monday, November 22, 2010

An exercise in budgets and motivation. Painting Points, go!

So among my closer gaming group, consisting of my brother, girlfriend, and a few other friends, I've been known to have a particularly large case of army ADD. Besides my long loved Dark Eldar, I jump from one army and project to another, rarely fully completing the prior one before being distracted by new shiny miniatures. Sometimes even buying an odd box of basic troops for an army I have nothing else, and likely will not get anything else, for.

Usually the stuff just finds it's way onto ebay eventually. After a recent huge downsizing of my collection, the hording has proved useful. Selling off my old Necrons, Tau, Eldar, Sisters of battle, and other assorted units and partial armies has paid for my Pretty Marines, most of my girlfriends Orks, and a bit of my new Dark Eldar fancy bits. But it's all run out now, and my expenditures are all out of pocket from here on out.

So in an effort to keep myself focused, and budget my spending so that eventually I'll have the money saved up for the next army I will surely fall in love with, I found a system to try. I've seen a few Warhammer bloggers now using a system of "Painting Points." Basically, you assign a value to each variety of miniature (Infantry models, vehicles, monsters, etc) and for each one that you fully finish, you get that many Points.

Now, what are the points for? They are to keep your budget in line. For every point you have accumulated from finishing up already stockpiled miniatures, you allow yourself 1 dollar to spend on the hobby.

I've decided to run with a system of:
Infantry: 1 Point Each
Infantry Sized Characters: 2 Points Each
Bikes and Cavalry: 3 Points Each
Monsters and Walkers: 4 Points Each
Vehicles: 5 Points Each

Part of the decision is just what'd be most logical for price/quantity/work involved for each type of miniature. In addition, I weighted it so that the things I like working on and painting most, are worth less points. The ones I will drag and whine and complain to myself about finishing net me more points. So that I may use the desire of new shiny boxes of toys on the gaming store's wall to motivate me to, say, finish off that Battlewagon I've been putting off for months.

And because there are very diminished returns, it will keep me from building up too much excess and winding up with so much extra stuff again. If I have to finish off 20 troops and a vehicle to gain enough points to buy a box of 10 Wyches, eventually I won't have endless piles of petwer and plastic staring me down every time I'm in my garage.

Plus, at the moment, I'm just excited about accumulating points for points sake. It's strangely like a reward in it's own right.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby steps. Beautiful, glamorous baby steps.

The Pretty Marines, much maligned by most average players who have heard of them. They excel in subterfuge, parades, and flower arangement. Clad in flawless purple armor, and mysteriously good looks, they bring forth a beautiful monsoon against the heretic, the mutant, the alien.

For those who haven't heard of them, they were a joke chapter created... well, as a joke. Along with their rival chapter, the Angry Marines.

Since starting 40K I have always avoided Space Marines. Any other army I'd play and have purchased at least one unit for. But I've recently begun a project that has been more exciting than any I've had in a while. A bit of boredom one night led to me deciding that I wanted to give Deathwing a try.

But I could not be content just playing Dark Angels.

I have been a fan of the Pretty Marines since hearing the jokes involving them, and seeing Jaekyu's pictures, such as the one above. I sat around and came up with some ideas and before the night was done, Glamourwing was born.

In it's current planned state, it will be an all-infantry Deathwing army. 5 squads of shooting termi's, 2 of lightning claw laden assault termi's, a Librarian and of course my Belial equivilant. Eventually I may add on a few Land Raider's and/or Dreadnoughts.

Everything in the army is starting off as an Assault on Black Reach terminator. Some scraping around Ebay has yielded everything I need to convert the weapons, and a tube of greenstuff is providing all of my Pretty Marines iconography.

The first three squads of shooting terminators are already done, and I'm off to work on the first of the assault squads.

Ignore the print on the front of one of the sergeants bases. Touched it while it was tacky and forgot to fix it before getting the pictures.