But first off, who am I? I'm a 21 year old chemistry major, working part time at a retirement center. I started playing wargames with Warhammer 40K about 6 years ago. Managing to talk my older brother into going in half with me on the third edition starter box, I got started with the Dark Eldar, and he with the Space Marines. A few years down the road, I've become a slave to the pewter and plastic. Most of my free time being spent working on, or planning additional, armies for Warhammer 40K and Fantasy. I've cycled through just about every 40K army around, only permanently sticking with the Dark Eldar.
My current projects I'll be cataloging here are:
- New Dark Eldar additions. New codex and fancy models means more work to be done!
- Orks: My 2K army of Deathskulls that has been passed to my girlfriend as her second army. Lots of fun painting still to be done on them.
- And my favorite of my current project, Glamourwing. An all Pretty Marines army, counting as Dark Angels Deathwing.
Hopefully this'll help me get these done within the decade!